
Comparte esta nota 12.09.05

Está anotación ha sido escrita fuera de html life.

(Ya dije el otro día que tenía ganas de probar Writely).


No hay mejor señal en el desarrollo de una herramienta que ver como sus creadores se toman la molestia de leer (y buscarse la vida para traducir) las anotaciones que se escriben al respecto. Si además de eso, hacen preguntas para conocer la opinión de terceros, pues hay que quitarse el sombrero (mirad los comentarios).

Si alguien tiene problemas con el inglés, que avise, que en cuanto tenga un rato lo traduzco.

5 comentarios

Sam Schillace



Please forgive my English. I am one of the Writely engineers. Thanks for the nice post. I just wanted to ask – what other blog systems do you think we should support? We don’t know what’s worth supporting and what’s not – we do ATOM right now, we’ll do the Blogger xml-rpc interface and metaweblog api.

I also wanted to say – you were mentioning an API. I’m working on a draft of it right now – we’ll release it in not very long, a week or two.

Thanks for review!




Thanks for sharing all that info.

About what blogs systems to support I think that supporting those to API’s will be probably enough, but not everyone knows what that means, so be sure to put in the list the following systems: WordPress, Movable type, live journal and Typepad.

I think that if you have time to make that work smooth you can expect to see people posting in whole new way, at least that is what I feel.

Is also great to hear about the API, be sure to make the guys in Ajaxian to know about it. I am not a developer my self, but I am sure that with an API released we can expect great uses of writely.

Finally, now that I know that I am being read by you, Sam, just one more thing: forums!

If you publish an API forums will be great to keep developers in touch, to host a wish list etc…

Great job BTW.

(Sorry for my bad english too ;-)



Increíble, buen servicio y encima gratis. Esto si que es un buen proyecto donde hasta el “jefe” se preocupa de que escriben.



En mi blog también se han pasado, me han dicho que esperan tener el corrector ortográfico en español en un futuro

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